November awaits

It’s almost Halloween and therefore almost November and the beginning of NaNoWriMo.

For those that don’t know NaNoWriMo is National Novel Writing Month. It’s an annual challenge to write a 50,000 word first draft of a novel in 30 days. I’m the Municipal Liaison for my region. That just means I run the region forum on the website and try to get people to agree on dates and times to meet up in person.

If you’re reading this, and you’ve always thought that you might like to write a novel but you’ve never actually done anything about it, then maybe you should check out the website and think about giving it a try. It costs you nothing to attempt it, there’s no cost to failure either, but if you succeed then you’ll have a novel. Well, you’ll have a first draft of a novel but that’s a problem for another day.

Anyway, I’m deep into prep for writing my own NaNo novel. In a stunning plot twist I actually have an outline this year. Of course I still don’t have all the world building sorted so I’m putting things arse-about-face in a way that’s very much on brand for me.

In other writing prep I have some craft beer in the fridge and plenty of coffee but I don’t have enough chocolate in the house. I also really need to do my nails before November because ragged nails will slow me down. It’s a bit annoying that the best nails for typing would be short but I really want something long and pointy for halloween.

This last week has been a bad one for pain and not great for energy. I used up all the paracetamol in the house and was then too wiped out to go out and buy more. I feel like I’ve done nothing all week but that’s not being fair to myself. I wrote two blog posts for the Parlour of Doom blog and I’ve been busy on the NaNoWriMo website.

I am a little worried about going into a month of writing when I already have bad back pain. I might have to plan for only writing in short bursts because I have to keep stopping to stretch out the kinks.

My bullet journal continues to be a useful tool. If you have ADHD or just general problems with organisation and staying on target then I recommend trying it out. Not sure how useful it will be during NaNoWriMo but there’s only one way to find out.

I’m going to stop writing and post this now. I did try to edit it but my back decided to kick me in the kidneys again and the paracetamol is not helping much and it’s hard to edit with the pain sirens filling your brain.

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